All Animals Have Life-like Resin EyesCall/Fax 254-647-3377 for Price List
(#231) Kangaroo with Joey (7"x3.5" x5.5") ©VK |
(#225) Do No Evil Monkeys (6.5" X 13") |
(#177) Mother Wolf and Pups (7" tall) |
(#162) Large Standing Wolf Howling (12"x13") |
(#137) Medium Elephant (7" tall) |
(#167) Large Sitting Elephant (9.5"x7") |
(#138) Gorilla (6" tall) |
(#172A) Frog (4"x7") |
(#172B) Turtle (3.5"x9") |
(#135) Pot Belly Pig (5" tall) |
(#136) Large Country Pig (7" tall) |
(#139) Shih Tzu Life Size (black&white or tan&white)(8"x12") |
(#163) Dachsund Looking Up (black&tan or rust) (8.5"x9") |
(#171) Dalmation (6.5" tall) |
(#142) Beagle Sitting Up (6" tall) |
(#170) St. Bernard (9"x6") |
(#168) Yorksire Terrier Standing (6.5"x7") |
(#145) Sheltie - Shetland Sheepdog (7") |
(#165) Short-nosed Chihuahua (12") |
(#143) Schnauzer (7" tall) |
(#140) Small Cocker Spaniel (buff, black, or English) (6" tall) |
(#155) Large Cocker Spaniel (buff, black) (12"x9") |
(#164) English Bulldog (9" tall) |
(#144) Boston Bulldog (8" tall) |
(#157) Poodle Laying (white, black, gray, or brown)(5"x7") |
(#158) Poodle Sitting (white, black, gray, or brown) (8.5" tall) |
(#158) Poodle Sitting (white) (8.5" tall) |
(#149) Medium Labrador (black, brown or gold)(8" tall) |
(#159) Large Labrador (black, brown or gold)(9"x14") |
(#141) Cat with Fish and Bowl (6"x12") |
(#169) Siamese Cat (5"x9") |